Banoffi and I both thought that this New York Times article on How to Take Care of Your Clothes had some good tips.

I’m strangely fascinated with reading guides on how to keep footwear in good shape. I find it relaxing. This older article on the best products for maintaining and shining leather shoes focusses on men’s footwear, but of course applies to shoes in general.

Apparently adding 1/2 cup of salt to the wash cycle can brighten clothes if you feel the colours are fading. I’m curious to hear if anyone has tried this.

Fab Links from Our Members

New Zealand is having its annual Fashion Week in Auckland this week, and Jenni NZ is going to the Designer Garage Sale, as it is too good to pass up.

Anne very much enjoyed this blog post with lots of photos about the Dior exhibition in Melbourne.

Scarlet wanted to share an article about men wearing shorts at work. She adds: “Personally I have trouble with the idea of men in shorts at work, but if it meant the A/C would become less frigid I could get behind it.”

Annagybe came across this article calling out H&M for inconsistent sizing.