Invisible Woman talks about the evocative powers of scent, and why it’s important to choose the right perfume.

An interesting read in the LA Times explains why perfumers are returning to classic scents that “evoke the glam, retro feel of perfumery’s Golden Age in the first half of the 20th century”.

Barbara Herman shares five tips if you are thinking about exploring the fragrant world of vintage perfume.

Fab Links from Our Members

Bridgette Raes talks about “anticipatory anxiety” and goes into the reasons why a person might be reluctant to change their hairstyle or upgrade their wardrobe, even if they want to. Laurinda found this quote inspirational: “it’s a heck of a lot easier to deal with the fall out of that change than living with the paralysis of over-thinking it and not doing anything about it”.

Vogue published a selection of designer-made Halloween masks. Angie especially loved the shirt and the cats.

HiggsMistress found Susie So So’s blog post “Call Me Picky” quite entertaining and enlightening. Her comments on stripes and complementary stitching had HiggsMistress checking her striped tops to make sure they matched.

This one’s for anyone who’s missing “What Not To Wear”. Nancylee informs us that Clinton Kelly is now available to answer your fashion questions (courtesy of Macy’s) on all the social media platforms. Just use hashtag #HelpMeClinton.

While reading Lisa’s post about field jackets, this quote caught L’Abeille’s attention: “Fashion at 50+ requires a fairly strong sense of self, and a good visual imagination, to get rid of cues meant for other demographics”.

DonnaF was looking for styling ideas for her Mum’s taffeta Dior New Look skirt and thought that the slide shows on Diorable Style, especially the year by year review in the middle, were great. She adds that it also demonstrated how dated prints and patterns can become.