J. Crew is offering an assortment of wonderful washed-wool scarves and the picture below does not do them justice. Solid colours, ombre, or polka dots for $49 to $59. There are at least 20 different options to select from in stores at the moment and it’s well worth a look. Don’t let the uninspiring picture and lack of online choices put you off.

I have a wool allergy that makes me come out in a bad rash when I wear it close to my skin. But I’m willing to try items with a wool composition on the off chance that I can comfortably sport the item without breaking out in hives. I own a few wool pashminas that do not itch and this has given me hope.

I loved these scarves when I saw them in J. Crew and promptly tested one in store. I walked around looking at their merchandise for 10 minutes with the scarf Euro-looped around my neck. No hives, no fuss and best of all, a subtle fringe that I won’t need to remove. I was sold.

The scarves are very lightweight and come with a swing ticket that suggests three ways of tying them: “choker style”, “simple ascot” and “hacking knot”. Nice one J. Crew. If it isn’t too cold in your neck of the woods, wait a while and score this little gem when it goes on sale.

Ombre Washed-Wool Scarf

I saw green, coral, yellow, raspberry, turquoise, cream and black solid colours. There were blue, green, taupe, pink, grey and yellow ombre versions, and black, cherry, yellow and orange solids with cream polka dots. I came home with the black and cream polka dot and the client I was with bought the green one.