I have read through your posts trying to get a better sense of your style but unfortunately all pictures were removed from them
However I found out that you feel challenged creating casual outfits. This is what you wrote 10 months ago:

The only thing that isn't working is my really casual capsule. I never
feel stylish in really casual clothes. My idea of clothing hell (for me,
love it on others) is a tee, jeans & sneakers The trouble is I need clothes for a mostly casual lifestyle so I need to find my version of this look.

I don't know if you accomplished your goal since then but here is my challenge for you:

I have attached pictures of beautiful desserts. I challenge you to take inspiration from some of them (I am leaving the number to you) and create casual outfits which you feel fab in and which you can really wear with your lifestyle.

Good luck!

This thread is part of the series YLF Challenge Chain (Spring 2014)

Previous challenge: fastcat challenged Sveta

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