First off, I have to say what a pleasure it was to have a reason to look through your posts and WIW's and enjoy your style. It seems that your style goal has been fairly consistent over the past year: to create a more curated wardrobe with a style that incorporates more neutrals and modern, clean lines. However, you are also willing to try trends, and did a great job with volume-on-volume, blush and tucking.

Your lifestyle and job seem to require mostly casual clothes, but you do need to be able to take things up a notch if you are teaching or going to meetings or conferences. You want to be able to mix "work" and "home" capsules. Therefore, my challenge is this:

Create a mini-capsule with no more than two bottoms, three tops and two toppers. Use them to create outfits for the following situations:
1.A typical day at work
2.Presenting information to a conference of your peers
3.A relaxed day at home
4.Date night

May the force be with you! I hope this will be fun for you.

ETA: Challenge Chain Link: YLF Challenge Chain 2014