Hello Sona! I loved reading your blog and posts to review your style and life situation. Your syle is so inspiring in such a colorful, artfully eclectic manner. I have always enjoyed your WIW’s and posts, but am so sorry to read of your very trying year. I am also sorry I did not know before this challenge how you were doing. Kudos to playing along with this Challenge!

As a wife, mother, physician, fashionista, daughter, and dear friend to YLF, it is evident you are a very giving person. Sometimes in life, generous people, like you, need to have their own cups filled up before they continue to pour themselves out to others. I tried to keep this in mind when coming up with your YLF Challenge.

So….here goes! I hope I didn't copy anyone....I haven't read all the challenges and kept up on the challenges due to a busy time of year.


Congratulations you have just won $5,000 to be used for a family vacation! The prize rules state that you can use the $$$ any way you choose. So, it’s up to you to design a vacation that suits you and your family’s needs and wishes.

Please describe a vacation that would be just what you need right now. Where would you go? What would you like to do? Who would you take? Please let us know how you would use the money: travel expenses, clothing, childcare at home or on the trip, etc.…..You get the idea. Just guesstimate your costs and give us a breakdown.


Post three outfits that you would bring on the trip and tell us where you would wear them. The outfits will depend on the locale you are visiting, of course.


Please use at least some of the $$$ to purchase 5 items that would fill a wardrobe hole for your trip. Please post the photos of those chosen items and explain why you would buy them.


I truly wish we could make this come true for you and it wasn’t just a make-believe trip. I look forward to seeing where you would go, what you would wear, and what you would buy.

Blessings, Paula

This thread is part of the series: YLF Challenge Chain (Spring 2014)


Previous challenge: K. challenges NDMom http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....nges-ndmom