Carter! You are such a lovely addition to our little YLF family! You've only been with us for less than a year but you've made your mark already and your style, which was great when you got here, is getting better every day! You've been incredibly generous about sharing your process with us, in threads like this one, where you showed us some outfits from a few months ago alongside some newer outfits and we all got to analyze your fashion evolution.

Here's your challenge: Choose at least two outfits (but as many as you like!) that you have worn and photographed previously, and re-create them as you would wear them today, after six months at YLF. You can add new items, you can subtract items, you can substitute items, you can even scrap the whole outfit and start from scratch using the original as a jumping-off point. (Or maybe you'll just tweak them a tiny bit, say by adding or subtracting one accessory!) The point is to see how your style has evolved and developed!

The original outfits can be from your Then and Now thread, or whatever outfits you like. Be sure to post the photos of the inspirations alongside the new and updated versions!



This post is part of the YLF Challenge Chain 2014
Previous challenge: MuseumGal Challenges MaryK