ElizabethP, a friend secretly entered you into a Hawaii 5-0 So Sweet sweepstakes and you are the winner! It is a 5 day trip for 2 to Honolulu (airfare, hotel, rental car and $1000) provided by King's Hawaiian bread. Plus, you will appear as an extra on an episode of the CBS TV series Hawaii 5-0.

This trip is catapulting you into your Spring/Summer wardrobe. What will you wear?

First, you need a bathing suit! You and your traveling companion have agreed that part of the $1000 will be spent on a new swimsuit and cover up. Find pieces you like and post them here. Explain why you like them and why you think the pieces will work on your body type.

The second part of your challenge is to come up with a travel outfit. I believe you live in Canada, where the temperatures are not yet in the 80s in early May. Show us a transitional, comfortable outfit that will work departing Canada as well as arriving in a tropical climate where a quick afternoon shower is commonplace this time of year.

The third part of your challenge, is to use Stylebook to create a sightseeing outfit and/or a dinner outfit. (You can do both or one, depending on the amount of time you have.) I had never heard of Stylebook but found you discussing it on the forum, so I would love to see it in use. Stylebook links or screenshots might be helpful to those of us who are unfamiliar with this app.

Elizabeth, it was fun getting to know you better by creating this challenge for you. I hope you have fun with it!

This thread is part of the series YLF Challenge Chain (Spring 2014)

Previous challenge: YLF Challenge Chain / Jewell Challenges CocoLion

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