Reference thread:

- AT navy blouse
- Tina Turk pencil skirt (aka affectionately known as my "Angie" skirt)
- F21 pleather cropped moto
- blue Impo suede booties
- long strand of pearls
- red Moschino handbag

The top does NOT work tucked in; the top has a banded waist. I tried tucking it in but it looked silly -- the band hits higher than the high waist of this pencil skirt. Does this work untucked? I hope so... because it just felt so cozy and nonchalant-yet-dressy worn this way.

Re: preppy pearl thread recently, I put the pearls inside the collar, rather than outside.

Boots so darn comfy... too much blue?

Moto jacket: too much shiny-on-shiny for Shiny? Fretting over that.

Diversion from plan: swapped cream bag for red. Partly because I was running late and had no time to actually, literally, swap bags. But also once I tried it all on it seemed to be begging for a pop of color?

I also tried this on with cream pleather jacket. I liked that fair enough, but that jacket is heavier and I only needed something light today. I know it will also work with black velvet jacket but I'm not ready to break that one out just yet.

This skirt!!! Wow! It is sooo comfortable to wear! It fits just right in the waist. Cannot wait to try the other outfits I have planned for this skirt.

Pics: lots of outtakes for your enjoyment. Strike a pose!

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