Shannon's question to Angie about fashion mistakes was really interesting. I thought I'd turn it around and ask you all. What have your biggest fashion mistakes been and what did you learn from them?

I've been lucky in that I've mostly been shopping at places with free returns and generous return policies so I've been able to return pretty much everything that didn't work for me. I order a lot online but return almost all of it. So I don't consider them mistakes so much as experiments and a way to learn what looks good on me.

The few permanent mistakes are from buying clothes that are not returnable. I am not good enough yet to tell what will look good on me without trying it on so I learned I really should not buy clothes from eBay. I bought one purple Anthro dress but it turned out to be too light for my skin color. I was lucky that Andrea bought it off me and it looks KILLER on her and I later bought a darker eggplant dress from Nordstrom Rack so it's a perfectly happy ending. But I also have two sundresses (rose print and cherry print) that I bought off eBay when I was looking for a Wild West costume. I ended up going with a different costume and now they are sitting in my closet along with a giant red petticoat and I have no idea what to do with them. I'll have to re-evaluate when summer comes if they will be something I can actually wear IRL (minus the petticoat).

Another big fashion mistake is wanting to jump on every trend because Angie recommended it or it looks good on someone else. The big ones that come to mind are my wanting to get a faux fur vest/jacket (that was a huge fiasco and led to a fight with DH) and the attempts at being an UWP (Heed sweater and plaid pants) and Mo's riding jacket which Rita said looked like Casual Corner on me (she kills me with her hilarious and spot on comments!). Although those were all returned so it was OK in the end. I definitely do not have PPP--I am persistent and picky, but not always very practical and definitely not patient! And I am still working on learning restraint!

Just for fun, I pulled the photos for illustrations. Looking forward to hearing what you all have learned!

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