Oooh, Amy, number #4 looks like the dress pants I desperately need to get rid of. I, too, had an issue with hiding myself in oversized clothing. MaryK, thank you for validating that afternoon outfit tweaks are OK. I tend to do this and thought I was the only one...

I've made so many mistakes over the years, I couldn't possibly list them all.

I used to wear everything over-sized. I'm finally buying things that fit... at least most of the time.

I used to live in ankle length skirts.... not a great look at 5'1". I don't own any anymore.

I made a few mistakes when I first started buying things after losing weight. I was in desperate, "buy things so I won't be naked" mode and was too quick about bringing things home. It's hard to be patient when you need things NOW. I'm learning to be slower. I'm going to be getting rid of the duds through attrition this next year.

Related to the last one, I've sometimes been too fast to buy something so I could cross it off of my "to buy" list. While I love crossing things off, it doesn't help when those items don't end up working and the item goes right back on the list. Patience... patience...

For me:

1. Settling for something that is just "OK' when I get frustrated instead of biding my time till the right thing comes along.

2. Buying multiples of items (even ones I don't really love).

3. Trying random styles that I love on other people without really considering if they are me.

4. Trying random colours that I love on other people without really considering if they are me.

5. Being TOO matchy matchy.

6. Buying things I love which aren't for my dominant season

7. Hiding in clothes that are too large.

And just about every other error mentioned above LOL

Buying the same item or look many times over. Then wearing it once or twice, and thinking, I look like I always do, and feeling bored with the item.

Buying things and never wearing them, they languish in my closet with tags on for months, even years. I live very far away from stores (except for a TJ Maxx and a Ross) so returning is really difficult.

The mistakes that come to mind are:

1) Wearing a mini skirt (and I mean a MINI skirt) to a party when I was 39 because I felt it was the last time I could get away with it. I was so self-conscious all night that I didn't enjoy myself. And now.....many years woman who was at the party STILL reminds me of the time I wore the mini. *sigh*

2) Spending too much money on less-than-fab clothes either because they were on sale or they were "close enough" (rather than perfect).

3) Wearing too much black.

Such a great thread. Nancy, can you tell that woman to stick a sock in it, for crying out loud :)?

My mistakes echo a lot of the other ones already mentioned: Buying footwear that I *hope* will be comfortable, but isn't; buying too much stuff for my non-dominant season then watching it languish in my closet; buying things because they are such a great deal, then never wearing them!

Geez... I have a ton of fashion mistakes. I am a walking mistake, I think. lol

Mostly, though:

- Buying clothes that don't look great because they're cheap or on sale
- Skimping on quality for quantity
- Never trying things on in the store, then settling for "ok" fit at home
- Avoiding color
- Always trying to hide my flaws by wearing clothing that's too big
- Thinking that "comfortable" means baggy tees, oversized jeans and flip flops

This is a great thread. In the past year my mistakes were:

1. Purchasing too much of one color (I enjoy blue and grey, but really there are other colors out there!)

2. Duplicates of items (I've been guilty of duplicating not only colors but also items: 3 grey blazers, 4 black cardigans, etc)

3. Warm colors do not work on me, I have donated most warm items in my closet by now.

4. Seasonal prints, I shift seasons so fast during the year, I need items that are seasonless in print so they don't sit for 3/4 of the year.

5. Seasonless fabrics, similar to #4 above, I have to be careful of items that are truly for one season (heavy weight jumpers/sweaters, sweaterdresses, summer dresses), my items need more versatility. A couple of season specific items is ok, but not a whole seasons worth because then clothes just sit unworn for the bulk of the year.

6. Dry clean only clothes. I will dry clean blazers but tops and dresses that are dry clean only I rarely wear. I prefer the bulk of my clothes to be machine washable.

My biggest fashion mistakes have been:

- allowing myself to be so easily influenced by other people's fab style that I lose sight of what really works for me

- buying multiples of a color or a style because I'm in love with it at that moment

- changing my mind about what I like every two minutes

- having very little patience to wait for the right itemn

I do feel I've learned from my mistakes, so they did serve a purpose, and one of my style goals for 2012 is to make a LOT less mistakes!

hee hee, AndreaB, you'll feel so much better once you can replace those dress pants with something sleeker and better fitting!

CocoLion >>Buying the same item or look many times over. Then wearing it once or twice, and thinking, I look like I always do, and feeling bored with the item<<

Yes, this - just how many times can I wear a camisole, black, grey or dark brown pants and a cardigan or wrap top - no wonder I always look the same LOL I am on a wrap top/shorter length cardigan ban at the moment .l..

I'm also lost with regard to the style direction I'm going in, which means I will copy other people, because things look great on them, when my lifestyle, body and nascent style is completely different! Working on this one ...

Natalie, I love that red/white dress and the plaid pants, altho I don't think they're you...

My biggest mistake is, and continues to be, fit. I get tired and can't hold out anymore, and take what I can get without alteration.