I love it. Honestly.( This, coming from a woman who's basically had the same hair cut since she was 4, besides one short cut I hated so much I made the stylist stop mid cut and spend the next 2 years growing back to the same-length, long hair I've always had. hahah) You have such pretty cheek bones and this style seems to highlight them. No lie, I prefer this cut on you by at least 300% Way to go!

I love the new look. So fresh and young and current. I love the edge and the asymmetry. I liked your "old" hair, but really, it's kind of a dime a dozen cut; it's sort of the quintessential Lincoln, don't you think? Like everyone in town has that look. This new cut is so individual and kinda fierce. Own it and rock it.

Thank you Kim! By the way, that Paul Mitchell school of hair at 56th and Hwy 2 (in the 7 day furniture building) is really good - I've been there twice now, and really like the instructors and the students. I think I'll keep returning. They did this cut, and the one before.

Wow! I haven't seen you in a while and I am loving the red color and the purple glasses! Both cuts look great to me! I think you should do what makes you happy. I have the same issues with drawing attention to my chin and so I keep mine a little below the chin. That's just what makes me happy.

I like it both ways but the new look is more fresh, bold and trendy. YLF.

I think it's cute as a button, and I have looked and looked and I don't see anything wrong with your chin at all. I've certainly had haircut regret, but I've learned that there are really only two weeks between a haircut I hate and one I hate less ;). I'm glad it's growing on you (no pun intended, just a happy accident). You look spunky and fun!

Wow, you took a chance and really lucked out with that stylist.You look fantastic in both cuts, but the new one definitely has more distinct personality.

I like both looks, the shorter cut shows off your great eyes.

Stunning! Your stylist did such a good job!

Whoa, I love it. Seriously. The asymmetry is so hot, and I'm really hoping it grows on you! Your old hair looked great, but this has a lot more spunk and personality.

Oh my! You look stunning in the new hair style. As others have said, it draws attention to your lovely eyes.

It can take time to love a haircut with such personality so don't fret. But this one is really well done and looks fab on you! I love it and I hope you will too.

OK, it looked great before, but I really love it (like everyone else) after, too. It sounds like you're coming to like it, too, which is good.

(I think it's interesting that you went in with an idea and they chopped it more severely than you thought ... every time I go in for a change (it doesn't seem to matter where) they stay too safe, and I can't seem to convince the stylist I'm really serious, and thus the cut isn't as awesome as I wanted.)

A: Thanks for the tip on the Paul Mitchell school. I was in there last week buying some products for my mother and I was intrigued by the place, which was super busy. Hope the Monday storm didn't affect you. K

Wow you new hair looks awesome. I love it!!!

Hannah - that's been my experience too, except at the Paul Mitchell place

Kim, no damage here - we're North and East of Lincoln, and got pea sized hail for a few minutes, but nothing else. Did you end up okay in your area?

I think you look great! I was always dispassionate about cutting my longer hair off, I swear the hair stylists were usually the more hesitant ones...

But you can definitely go shorter if you want to. My hair stylist suggested a few times that I go more asymetrical and with a longer fringe, but it's just too much work. A shorter pixie is so much easier and only needs some water in the mornings. I guess that's not an issue with your straight hair though.

Can't wait to see what you do with it!

You really suit the new hairstyle. It is very funky. You are lucky you can wear short hair. My husband likes short hair too but I don't think it suits me.

PS I love that you get it cut at a school! When I was a student in London (eons ago) I got my hair cut at the Vidal Sasson school there. Super cheap and always super chic.