In 2013 there were some forum threads and a blog post about Style Descriptors -- I didn't find the main forum thread, but the link to the blog post is above. Basically the idea was to create an individual moniker that describes you style identity and helps you articulate fashion goals.

We had a flurry of activity and a load of fun related to this, although not everyone coined a descriptor ( I struggled with this and never coined one).

I know some ladies still use their monikers to refer to their style (Urban Prince, etc.), and some are used as jargon here to describe a certain style (UWP, RATE).

I'm curious-- how many of us still have the same style descriptors-- has your style shifted over the last 2 years?

For those who coined one, do you use it? How does it help you communicate or conceptualize your style? Do you use it when shopping?

For those that have changed theirs or never coined one, feel free to join in!