So I'd been wanting to explore and remix my summer clothes capsule more, and La Belle Demimondaine's thread on a mood board of three images was very useful.

I found three images which spoke to a lot of the design, color and texture ideas I wanted to capture: A photo of a Moroccan screen and seating, a graffiti painting, and the android from the movie Metropolis (pics in her thread). Many of my outfits nod to all three, but some lean more heavily on one image than another. So here's the first group of outfits based on the first image.

I chose this image for lacework/texture in monochrome white and pale taupe colors. It combines delicacy, complexity, cool comfort and traditional craft with a certain RATE quality. It also echos my footwear: metallic sandals, worn leather shoes, pointed toes, and also contains cottons, embroidery, and geometric patterns.

#1 inspiration photo

#2 the top that started me in this design direction

#3 new skirt (inspired by Rae's great asymmetrical looks)

#4 layers for cooler mornings (these look baby blue, but they are actually a cool pearl gray) kitten heels inspired by Aida.

#5 the world's most comfy cotton cami

#6 scarf action and pattern mixing with grays (and a hint of the grafitti inspiration image creeping in)

Some of these I've worn, some I'm considering wearing, some are a little heavier so would work for a transition into cooler weather too. All tweak ideas, favorites, ones that don't quite work info welcome!

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