Hanna, in my book, you definitely have already achieved clever both for the way you style individual pieces and your ability to find and incorporate thrifted items.

I'm surprised by your emphatic response to me, Angie. Kyle once noted that she thought I sometimes dress older than my age, a sentiment that I agreed with. Maybe my style has evolved past that and my thinking has not kept pace, which would be a real achievement.

Mac, I love the idea of consistency. That's a great one.

Hm, seems like we're looking for a word that means "trying different things." I've always thought of "eclectic" as meaning that: drawing from different styles and influences. "Trendy" to me is similar, but drawing from the latest styles.

Patience, I immediately thought of "trendy" (and "bold") for you when you posted, for the same reasons I thought it for Ana. Yes, to me it does mean willing to try new styles, usually right when they first come out or even ahead of the curve. That's the two of you to a T!

What a fun thread!
I hope Angie continues to chime in.

My current style:

- glamorous

My goal:

- trendy
( this is my short term goal; to update the modern pieces in my closet with their slightly trendier counterparts)

I hope to keep this attitude.

- sophisticated
As I get older, I hope to find a more sophisticated style that will replace my current playful outlook. This is a midterm goal, say 5-10 years.

This is the best thread ever! And so hard - I just scribbled about a dozen adjectives on a scrap of paper that I think describe my style or the style I aspire to. Here is an attempt at three:

- funky
- trendy
- sassy

Aspire to:
- trendy
- sophisticated
- edgy

Good grief. This thread is on its third page. Kristen, what have you created! (And I like your description of the word “clever”).

Patience, spot on.

Alecia, your style has turned 180. I’m basing my perceptions on the most recent images I have in my head. You completely dress your age.

Ele, I think we need to identify what people perceive as eclectic. Jean (greenglove) has an eclectic style. It’s arty and creative in an unconventional way. Not necessarily trendy. At all. I guess it’s a form of edge. I hope that makes sense.

o Ele – I think you nailed your style with the words you chose. Well done! I would have liked to throw in retro too. And you look plenty sophisticated to me.

o Inge – good job! And you’ve reached your goals so mission accomplished :0)

o Loulou – another excellent set of adjectives. You are indeed fearless! Getting stuck into a look and trend chop- chop and actually not chickening out. And your goals have been accomplished too.

o Melody – have I seen your style?

o Hanna – definitely fun and bright. Nice words! And I see an eclectic element too. To me, your look is completely effortless. Does it not feel that way?

o Kimlee – I like that you used the word “professional”. It’s powerful. “girly” is a good word too. Both are spot on. I’d have added modern – classic ,for sure.

o Shiny – Thank you for using the word “trendy”. You are absolutely trendy! You’re also modern and urban. I’d have chosen these three words: urban, trendy and diverse (you are a mood dresser !)

o Bella – beautiful words and you to a T. And you’ve reached your goal of looking sophisticated.

o Antje – funky and trendy definitely. I’d have used the word Euro! And you’ve reached your goal of looking edgy. You know that :0)

Oh man I'm late! And actually have missed you guys terribly! I've been moving, and now I'm pretty much settled and can get back to the forum on a more regular basis. So, hi!

Anyway, what an awesome idea for a thread!

How others see me:

My goals:

I wonder if I can be Trendy AND Sophisticated at the same time. It seems those adjectives don't run in the same circles.

Would love your input, Angie.

I disagree, Amy. Look back at the adjectives I used for myself on page 1 :0)

There are plenty of trendy and sophisticated lasses on this forum: Kyle, Danja and Ana spring to mind immediately.

Angie, I see what you mean. I guess eclectic, like quirky and edgy, is just one of those words that means different things to different people. Now that I think of it, most of the "eclectic" elements I'm drawn to are actually retro-quirky, like cat's-eye specs and bold vintage jewelry.

I'll happily sub in Retro for eclectic, then- I just wasn't sure whether it would be too much. It's definitely part of my style now, but also something I want to work more towards, and probably a lifestyle thing, too. In my mind's eye, "future Ele" has more occasions to wear tailored frocks and cute heels, but "right now Ele" needs very different items, like jeans and tee's, for her day-to-day wear (hence the Practical label).

Angie, you are absolutely right. I need to change my definition in my head of what I think "trendy" is.

Any comments on my list?

(Ele, I just answered your blog comment.) And I like the assessment of your current and future style.

o Planetamy – spot on.Your style is VERY playful. Antje’s too. And you are pretty original in my book. Goal met!

Wow, very late on this one because I got stuck on how to describe my current style. A little help?

(I can describe what it used to be:
-- Confused
-- Sporadic
-- Baggy)

I know what my goals are:
-- Elegant
-- Sophisticated
-- Smart

"Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O meet Halle Berry on holiday."

Okay, but seriously...

Others say:
1. Chic
2. Stylish
3. Put together

I want:
1. Chic
2. Global
3. Sophisticated

Dang, this is hard!!!

Thoughts Angie?

Oh my gosh, 72 replies! Hee, Angie, I had no idea it would take off like this. And the challenge that goes along with it hasn't even begun. *gulp* Maybe I should have asked you before I went off and running. I hope it's okay!

April, you are much harder on yourself than you should be! I think you are a very smart dresser, with impeccable taste.

Lesley, I would say you already have a global and sophisticated vibe. I used clever for you earlier, and I stand by that one too.

OK, I kept thinking about this and felt like I didn't quite nail what I was thinking with my previous attempt. This time I'm going to do it a bit differently.

How *I* see my current style (because others don't really comment except to say I look nice or something):

My style goals:

I'm using eclectic in the sense that Angie described it--"greenglove eclectic" I wanted a word that incorporates creativitiy, edginess and unconventiality all in one. So eclectic it is!

I really am not super thrilled with my style at the moment. I want to figure out how to be casual and low-maintenance (because my lifestyle DEMANDS it) while also being eclectic and sophisticated (as well as all the givens that we all want--polished, effortless, etc.) I will start a thread.

I finally have time to sit down and think about this one. It's hard! I know where I want to be but don't know what others would say I am. If I had to guess I would say:



Of course Angie I want your feedback also if you have time!!

~ Lori

I am late but will take a stab at this:
Others have said:
glamorous (at dressy affairs)
put together


There are so many other words for my goals. For instance boho-chic and earthy but I think that falls under artistic. I also have urban and edgy. It is so hard to edit with only one word.

o April! What are you smoking? Naughty sausage. I see a different lass. I’d have used modern-classic, polished and crisp. And you absolutely look elegant. Goal achieved!

o Lesley – fab words! And you look sophisticated too, so goal achieved. I’m VERY happy to hear the word “global”. Makes my heart happy.

o Brianna – is this the second time you’ve posted descriptive words on this thread?

o Lori – good choice of words. I’d have added "pretty" but feminine is just as fab. I think your modern-classic style is perfect for you, from what I can see. I loved your recent AT purchases.

o Jean – at last! I was waiting for you to chime in. You are the most eclectic lass on this forum. So, I’d have used eclectic, bohemian and chic – but you are 100% the words you’ve used too. And you’ve completely reached your goals so mission accomplished.

Phew! You are making me work harder than I normally do :0)

This may sound ignorant but what do you mean by eclectic? I wasn't quite sure if it was similar to mood dresser which is why I didn't use it. It may be the perfect word that I do not know how to use!

Jean, I even used YOU as an example of what "eclectic" style is a little earlier in this thread! This is what I said a few comments up:

“I think we need to identify what people perceive as eclectic. Jean (greenglove) has an eclectic style. It’s arty and creative in an unconventional way. Not necessarily trendy. At all. I guess it’s a form of edge. I hope that makes sense”.

Whew! I just got caught up with this thread! Angie--I'm amazed at your skills!

What Patience and Angie said seemed spot on for me. Now that I've thought about it, I will list:

My current style:

1. Trendy (hee)
2. Polished
3. Bold/colorful


1. Trendy
2. Bold/colorful
3. Polished

But can I modify my goal "polished" to be just slightly more urban and slightly less polished than I currently am? Does that make sense? I guess that lately I've felt my style has gotten slightly TOO polished. I want to keep it interesting.

Jean, when I think of your "eclectic" style, I think it's interesting how you can wear a piece in a very arty way one day, and then wear the same thing in a bohemian way in another outfit. You seem to take elements from lots of different "styles" but the way you wear them is very much YOU--very arty/bohemian. That's kind of what I think of as "eclectic." Shiny does it too, but her style is less bohemian (to me, anyway), and more based on her "mood."

Angie, I would very much be interested in your take on my list.

Yay! Ana is back! I have been waiting for you to chime in on this thread. (Thank you for the compliment).

o Ana – fabulous descriptions. Trendy = CHECK. Bold and colourful – CHECK. I’d have changed “polished” to “sophisticated”. I believe that polish is inextricably linked to polish (polish is a subset of sophisticated style – it’s assumed). Also, your style is VERY interesting. Don't for a second think that it lacks in that category. And, you have reached your goals :0)

Angie---yes, I posted a second list--that's why I said I felt I hadn't quite nailed it the first time around. I kept thinking about my words today and decided I needed to change htem.

Kristen, I meant to thank you for the lovely compliments on my outfits! I've been sporadic about posting outfits--lots of stuff happening, and I just can't seem to get a system going. I will try to post them more often though.

Angie--thank you! What you said makes sense.

Coming late to the party. Read this just as I was leaving work, and puzzled over it on the way to pick up my daughter. Love this idea, really helps me think about why I like certain looks, and also what questions to ask when I look in the mirror at an outfit and can't quite figure out why it doesn't quite work or why I just don't feel "fab".

Current Style/What Others Would Say (this was hard!!!):
1. Classic
2. Casual
3. Uneven

1. Classic
2. Fun/Unique
3. Confident

Nice to see you post Jennifer! Unfortunately I haven’t seen enough of your style to offer my 2 cents. But I like that you’ve thought about it. This is valuable :0)

I haven't had the time to go through all the posts (but will do!), but I really like this thread! Here is my contribution:

Others might say

I want it to be

By next week I'll start posting pics and questions regarding my current warderobe. Angie, if it's possible, I'd then love to get your opinion connected to these thoughts, especially on what I can do to evolve towards where I want to be (which now seems far, far off...)!

Karin, I haven’t seen much of your true style. I’ve mostly seen things that you were considering purchasing. But from what I can see, you have achieved the retro goal :0)

Awesome thread! and very hard ..
I havent posted a lot of outfits here but I guess my current style is


My style goals are to retain the above and be:
global (thanks Lesley! for the word)

Angie, is that a contradictory goal set?

Nice to have you with us again, Mirah! In the style world, "eclectic" does not mean “moody” like it does in every day English. If you are a mood dresser like Shiny, perhaps you’d like to use the word "diverse".

o Mirah – cheerful, absolutely. I’d have added modern-classic and crisp. And you are totally sophisticated and timless so goals achieved. My only regret is that we don’t see enough of your style on this forum!