So. Here goes. Here's what I wore this afternoon for some errands around town.

Apologies for the slightly odd angle of the photo. My daughter is very accommodating but she is an inexperienced photographer and we are working in a tight space so I am a bit foreshortened.

Or maybe that's just the effect of those ankle pants?

I know those are frowned on here. I hear the message. And I get that they're even worse, potentially, on a small, short-legged girl like me. But you know what? Sometimes I like them. What I've found is that the ones that hit mid calf are an unmitigated disaster. The ones that hit closer to the ankle can work better. But you can tell me if I am wrong. I can take it.

The other faux pas I'm committing has to do with colour. I'm not a big fan of the seasonal colour thing but I do think it has some usefulness. So, I had my colours "done." The person who analyzed me said I was one of her trickiest clients ever. It was immediately obvious to both of us that I looked horrible in warm colours. But once we got past that stage, I didn't fit clearly into any of the (12) categories. In the end she pegged me as a cool summer (which surprised her because I am quite fair) who looks horrible in most pale colours (apart from lilac and most pale blues) and can sometimes wear brighter tones than theoretically I "should" be able to. But I have to be very careful WHICH brighter tones. I ended up with the summer wallet with additions from the cool and clear wallets. And most of the palest summer colours just torn off.

What absolutely shouldn't look good on me is orange...and here I am in an orange print top! Admittedly, it has a lot of red in it. And the brown cardigan is the kind of brown that works well for me.

What you can't see too well are the gold sparkle threads in the tank. Cost $3.95

You also can't see the denim blue bag I was carrying. Now for me, that counted as a bold stroke.

Cardigan: Comrags
Tank: Thrifted
Pants: The Limited, Thrifted ($10)
Belt: Old Navy
Shoes: Ancient (as you can tell by style, but SO comfy.) Ecco, via Winners.

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