You look fantastic in them! Do you have a special occasion in mind for wearing them? If you have enough back up pairs take them - I personally wouldn't because I'm always thinking practical but if you have room why not.

So glad you chimed in Debora and Lyn! And Lyn I appreciate the sartorial thumbs up with your inside knowledge of Milan! Temps have been running a little higher than normal, so I'm planning on sheddable layers.
Still laughing over your remarks Amy K ! Funerals aside, maybe no death metal, but the tomato sauce could ruin me. Just goggled Marfy Pattern book - I'll definitely look for it. It could be effective in hiding tomato stains...

Thanks Astrid! I'll be attending a conference so am thinking this outfit could do double duty as something to wear in the evening out strolling as well as to the conference as things are winding down. Provided it stays clean enough...

Thanks Celia! The pants are definitely going to Italy - they are so happy at the news :-). And thanks for the info on the denim shirt...GAP has an amazing sale on right now.

Why not?

Your cherry blossom tee drapes absolutely beautifully, by the way...

You look great! I would bring the pants, but maybe don't expect that you'll be able to wear them more than one day, just in case... I don't wear white pants but I do often bring and wear my white skirt when I travel in the summer. And yes, sometimes I spill coffee on it but it washes out. My skirt is thin cotton though so it can be washed in the hotel sink and dries quickly. But still... if you spill something on them you can probably at least soak out the stain in the hotel sink, even if the pants won't be wearable again until they get a real laundering.

PS - I love your cherry blossom tee! Where is it from?

Thanks Rachylou and Diane! The cherry blossom tee is from Sears - leave no retail stone unturned,,,,

I would take them for sure! You are going to feel like you are in an Italian art film walking around in those pants!

I always pack a little travel bottle with Woolite, or a ziploc baggie of powder detergent and a soft nail brush to sink wash, just in case I run out of anything, or something gets dirty and I don't want the stain to set.

Great reference LBD! And I like the idea of a soft brush. I'm thinking if I'm brave enough to wear white during slushy winters - Milan should be a piece of cake..or pizza...:-)