New Trends in Outfit Proportions

There are watershed changes happening in fashion, so we’ll see lots of newness over the next five to ten years. I’m welcoming the change because it’s been years since silhouettes looked fresh. Skinnies and body-con bottoms have reigned supreme for about a decade, and are finally a classic.

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Fashion Trend - New Trends in Outfit Proportions

The Short Strap Crossbody Bag

I saw this trend on the catwalks last year, both in dressy and casual renditions. The straps of the bag are half the length of a regular crossbody bag so that the bag hangs just on the bust or under the bust. Wear the bag across your back instead of across your front, and the vibe is similar to the unisex body bag of the ‘90s.

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Fashion Trend - The Short Strap Crossbody Bag

Fall & Winter Trend: Embroidery

We saw embroidery make a comeback for Spring and Summer, as it adorned all sorts of lightweight bohemian tops and a few pairs of jeans. For Autumn and Winter, as a nod to the Maximal trend, embellishments like embroidery are in full force and can be found on just about any wardrobe item.

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Fashion Trend - Fall & Winter Trend: Embroidery

Extended Sleeves

I saw the extended sleeve trend come through last year, and it’s gained momentum on the runways for Fall 2016. The sleeves of tops, jackets and coats are very, very long, extending well past the hand.

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Fashion Trend - Extended Sleeves

The Matchy Mismatched Earring

People have worn mismatched earrings forever. It’s a handy and practical thing to do when you’ve lost an earring in a matching set but rather fancy the earrings. You can wear the remaining earring in one ear, and wear whatever you like in the other.

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Fashion Trend - The Matchy Mismatched Earring