Wow, great outfit, you do look incredibly good in dark colours and metallics. And haircut looks terrific.
I say "incredibly" because, like Angie, you seemed to favour a lighter palette until now ?

Skylurker, it really varies. I always wear a lot of navy, ink, and charcoal grey (with sprinklings of black) in winter. In summer I used to wear a lot of medium blues and white. That may or may not change. We'll see.

What a great strategy, Suz, and your family hair history, too, was insightful. I'm actually going to talk to my colorist about your process of using the ashy highlights. I've mentioned this over and over to two people who did my highlights saying I "wanted my greeting roots to play nicely with the highlights used." Alas, they ignored me and made me a bright California blonde creating a strong line of demarcation when my hair grows out.

I had to laugh at JAileen's and your comments on siblings. Yes, I have a brother and both he and my father are bald and have been for many years. My mother is very dark-haired and still colors her brunette hair.

Thanks for the time you took on this to reply to my question, Suz.

How did I miss this? You look amazing and the hair is stunning. Gorgeous shape and color. Edgy indeed, but Suz's way for the win.

Fabulous, a well deserved confidence boost!