I am absolutely floored by the level creativity on this forum. Everyone looks incredible.
I need to apologize for posting my interpretation two days late. Wednesday and Thursday were crazy days at work and I never got around to posting my challenge-inspired outfits, even though I actually wore them. This movie is very dear to my heart and I do own the perfect LBD. I also own a ridiculous number of various rhinestone pieces, but nether of the above is very lab friendly. So my thinking was along the line of : "What would Holly wear to a lab if she were a scientist?". So I took her signature black cigarette pants and ballet flats, and went for the pearls of course (which are the only item I removed before going to the lab). Added the trench, and though you can not see them, the french twist and huge black eyeglasses were present a well. I got asked at the lab if I had an interview that day
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