Deb :: you look absolutely wonderful. Your skirt will disappear as soon as you leave it unattended when I come anywhere near your area. And what gorgous top to go with it, this in fact looks like two-piece LBD to me.
bella :: I could wear your look every day, beautiful. And, again, you are right - this thread sings the highest praise to LBD. What confuses me is how come we never explored this specific garment on its own.
Marley :: I knew we could count on you and your take on the kitties. Adorable, all of you.
Natalie :: having fun perhaps? No way I could pick a favourite in this round.
celia :: you showcase why simple is sometimes the best. This is wonderful style of dress on you, and like bella you have me drooling over the red trench.
Runcarla :: nothing is far fetched, our goal is to be inspired by. I love your take, classic and streamlined, with a dash of spring-y green thrown in and gorgeous shoes.
Jjsloane :: *plonk* Spectacular! I think you have this years YLF NY ball outfit covered (you'll organise it, won't you?)
Karie :: such original take on the poster, no wonder you got compliments. I also love the term you coined - Audrey-ness.
Rae :: I knew it! I was waiting for your cat-inspired WIW. What a great blouse.