WOW, I am just blown away! You ladies did an amazing job. All interpretations are so different and creative. The force is definitely with you today!
This movie is one of my favorites of all times!!!
Almost forgot to add mine to the thread! Inspired by the colors of the poster and loose clothes on the figures. Stone cold classic film!

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Una, that video is hilarious. =)
Thought I'd join the fun. Sorry I have no gun.

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Oh man the clothes were flying today as I scrambled for an outfit. I had so many ideas but two things forced my hand: the warm weather (low 80's F) and my daughter's softball scrimmage. Since the softball area is surrounded by pebbles and dirt, I was limited in the shoe department. Also it looked like it might rain (it didn't).
Pics 1 & 2
  • So yesterday's "Indy" ankle boots, became today's military combat booties.
  • I remembered Grand Moff Tarkin (Ha, had to look that up!) wore a grey uniform, so out came my black and grey striped knit skirt.
  • Black sleeveless top and draped vest to mimic DV's column of black and cape.
  • Hair in bun and white dangle earrings as a nod to Leia.
Pic 3: Bun Vader catwalk action!

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You are so creative! I love Star Wars even more now - maybe we need to do a Star Wars Theme Week in the forum?
Oh my - I just got finished looking at everybody's outfits. Just - so much fun! I'm jealous that I didn't get to "play" with you all today. Hopefully tomorrow.

May the Force Be With You!

Una :: stellar outfit I cannot tell you how happy I am that this poster just happened to be voted for the day of your birthday. What were the chances????

Rachylou :: the stripe *and* the drape in one outfit. Fabulous. And that anecdote about your manager is just hilarious.

Shedev :: I like these pieces both separately and together.

Jayne :: I actually remember this outfit from before and loved it then as much as I do now.

Amiable :: galactic it is and polkadots are also like the stars on the night skye

Deb :: great take on the colors inspiration and perfect finishing touch with the shoes - you actually reminded me I have metallic loafers somewhere in storage, perhaps they'll get second lease of life now.

Celia :: 'Daughter of Hans Solo', how great. Your outfit doesn't just do the job, it is gorgeous, from black+blue, layering, pop of white and that wonderful jacket.

Diane :: You look stunning in this shade of blue. The jeans are perfect. Your son's photo made me nostalgic, we had bay window like this in our old house in England. And he is so beautiful, those eyes, angelic hair and his fab costume. Thanks for sharing.

Nicole :: this is brilliant. C3PO is one happy robot to have inspired so many fab outfits. Your jeans close-up reminds me of another reason why I love these challenges - I suddenly notice different, even new, aspects of my existing clothes which make them even more enjoyable.

Fern :: Fabulous in its simplicity and great fit of your clothes. I so wish we could see that Halloween '77 photo.

bella :: literal or not, your interpretation has it's usual dose of class. And you have hit the nail on the head again by saying 'Leave it to the YLF challenge to remind me of my old favourites'.

L'Abeille :: this is great, the scarf sounds fantastic. Your patient obviously has great style, which you have noticed already, but it shows in her noticing of your creative outfit as well. I hope we get to see your take on Darth Vader one day as well.

Vicki :: What a gorgeous and fresh take on dress over pants look. You do look like you've danced out of the Star Wars set.

Runcarla :: where do I even begin? The stripes, those shoes, pattern mixing. Gorgeous.

Firecracker :: another sleek outfit, it looks amazing and I am not surprised you got compliments for it. I hope you'll adopt this palette, it looks wonderful on you.

Kari :: WOW! I normally don't get too excited over maxi skirts, but this is from another world. Who would say that simple striped top and denim jacket would create such outcome? Also, your take on Debora's idea with pins on the denim jacket, with its hints of royal and military medals, is spot on. *standing ovation*

Natalie :: it's photo 5 that's my favourite and has me in stitches, the buns, the Nerf - hilarious and stylish at the same time.

Rebekah :: you *do* know your blues. What a great top to start building the rest of the great outfit around.

Suz :: not out of the suitcase any longer, but everything (Day 1 and 2) apart from the outerwear and these particular boots was in my suitcase last week.

Aida :: *faints* How creative are you??? And just how many quirky and gorgeous pieces your wardrobe is hiding? The pans especially are amazing.

Rae :: stone colored jeans to white tank under the plaid shirt. When decomposed like this, it sounds dull almost, but you always manage to lift things to a new level. This is positively out of this world.

Denise :: what a perfect Han Solo vest! And the weather, I must notice - now we know where Spring is hiding.

AJ ::!! Nothing about this outfit shows that you struggled for a second to put it tougher, in fact - these peaces were meant to be with each other and no other way.