We shopped a bit too

Janet passed through Seattle on her way back to Annapolis - and we had a marvelous 4 hours together!!! We yakked till the cows came home over a long lunch, and browsed through the Nordies flagship.

Janet found two KILLER tops that I said she could not live without! LOVE them sooo much. Nice and different to what she has.

I took a pic of my outfit in the Nordies loo! Left off my belt. I'm living on the edge......

Janet's silvery shag is gorgeous! Sophisticated Joan Jet, and very on trend. Never better! Janet was complimentary of my new hair, which made me smile!

Janet and I have met many times before - in New York, Boston, and on her first trip to Seattle 8 years ago. It was excellent to catch up, and hug post pandemic! xo