I am so happy I got Hanna as my challangee! Lovely as everyone here always looks, I get the most inspiration out of seeing her outfits as she is in my age group and has a similar lifestyle and aesthetic as I do. Her style is very playful, young, colorful, and clever...exactly like she is!

...but of course I'm going to challenge her to do something completely different

My challenge to Hanna is to create a sophisticated monochromatic outfit. You can pick any color you want and you can use any shade or tint of that color you like, but it has to be from the same color family (so if you choose purple, you can use reddish purple, bluish purple, lavendar, dull gray purple, etc). Accessories do not necessarily have to be the same color family, but they should be neutrals (metallics are fine). The outfit doesn't have to be fancy, but it should not be too casual. I would say at least smart casual.

Have fun! Let me know if anything needs further explanation