Rachy what kind of clothes would command respect & what do you mean
by respect? I have so much to learn about being a middle aged person
It doesn't help when people tell you 40 is the new 20. But, lol, it has been one of my goals in life to figure out what "senior management" does (and/or should do) and why some people get promoted and some don't (in companies one approves of). I feel I'm starting to make some real headway in this endeavour. My "senior management", btw, does not include founders and visionaries and so forth. Or Wall St. holy rollers. I'm talking about the steady folks that keep things going day in and day out, not people who make the great leaps forward (or sell you the Brooklyn Bridge twice). This is because that has a very different value.
Yes, I'm seriously serious about this.
Anyways, I think a couple of thoughts/observations. One is people who want to command respect tend to wear pretty plain, simple clothes. I think one of their purposes is to spread calm and be the antidote to panic. "Keep Calm and Carry On." They don't rile. They also wear the signifiers of authority - blazers, low pumps, that sort of thing. Of course, this would be in an office setting. In something like the bakery where I work it's different. But not totally different. The big boss dresses plain. The managers and leads are not the ones wearing the pink sneakers, low cut babydoll tops, and who is that guy who puts all the "tattoo designs" on shirts and kicks?
Low flash, always a big wash of solid colour to ground things...