Exercise for the win. I detest shopping.

If i have limited time I would choose exercise except for the essentials - better for the body, soul and wallet.

I do my shopping in fits and bursts - to the supermarket while my son is at the pool, go to the chemist when on a work chore (I am self employed) Every now and then I walk to the city centre and do a couple of hours of personal shopping - usually in the weekend. I try to avoid the mall in the weekend but occasionally visit after school during the week.

How does lunchtime work for you - are their shops near by your office?

If exercise includes casual strolls by the water or somewhere beautiful, swimming outdoors, or maybe dancing, it wins. Otherwise it's shopping, no contest.

Today, honestly, I just want to sleeeeeeeeeep and eat.

Exercise! I've been running for for 24 years and still love it. If I don't exercise in the morning I feel like something is missing--it improves my mood substantially!

I get achy if I don't exercise. Osteoarthritis is hard to contend with. I'm achy even if I do exercise, but not as much.

It will depend on the kind of the exercise and the kind of shopping.

And as already indicated by others, it is possible to do both things at the same time.

Some years ago, the media where I live featured the (true) story of a woman who was very overweight and was adviced to exercise. When she was asked about her favorite activity, she said that what she enjoyed most was visiting a certain shopping mall. Well, then she was asked to go to that shopping mall 6 days a week and to walk steadily at least 3 kilometers before she stopped or sat down. She did so, and in a few months she lost more than 30 kilos.

I'm answering by ignoring which one is better for me

I love my daily walks, and I love shopping. Different goals, apples and oranges to me.

I dig malls and big glossy department stores - the visual and tactile stimulation of seeing/touching product in real life, people watching, etc. I like online too, because of the access to brands that don't make their way to my suburban corner of the world. And I was isolated at home for a long time due to illness and recovery, so it was the only way to shop, even for basics.

To quote Eva Gabor, "Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue."
For non-US fabbers, google "Green Acres."

What’s not to love about Green Acres?

Eva Gabor: “New York is where I’d rather stay.”

Oh boy! Although I'm a regular runner and weight lifter, I wouldn't say I look forward to it as much a shopping trip. But I LOVE the way I feel after exercise, so I keep doing it! But I do skip a workout now and then and just go walk around the mall. I always go early on weekday mornings, so it's quiet, and I can browse in relative peace!

So it looks like those who prefer shopping aren’t answering? I do not believe these replies are a representative sample on a fashion website.

Oh, you’re no doubt right, delurked. I guess it depends on how you think about it. I certainly find shopping more interesting than exercising. I will never understand getting on a bike to nowhere.

On the other hand, it aggravates me no end to fight crowds on weekends or that leaving the house to go to the shops always takes 3-4 hours. I walk every day (my dog is my fave activity). I don’t shop every day.

My reality is, I shop a lot, never exercise, yet get a lot of physical activity.

Delurked has it.

I don't love either activity, but my outlook is improved by exercising, and taxed by shopping.

What if you traded 25% of your exercise for shopping? Say, every other week a shopping session instead of working out? I used to run 10Ks having run only once per week. Interval training is MUCH more efficient than a longer run at one speed, and nutrition is a larger factor than many people think.

I thought your question was what is better, to shop online or to exercise

Like, duh! Exercise! I DO like/enjoy shopping, though - any kind, even grocery shopping!

Exercise is a chore for me. I don’t love the gym, so I reluctantly admit gym memberships are not a good value for me. I feel old and fat and inadequate at gyms.

I have to make myself exercise, even activities that I like, once I’m out the door. But I have never been a natural athlete in the least. I think it’s a minor miracle I ever ran three half marathons. My running these days is pathetic though — maybe a mile and then I walk 3 or 4 more.

But I can usually shop at the drop of a hat.

Janet has made a good point. You have to be in good shape to shop.

I am overwhelmed and gratified by the response here and will respond in more detail later. Am off to the mall, sigh, taking daughters Xmas shopping but will fit some shoe shopping as well as part of a negotiated deal!

Delurked has hit on the truth.

I wish I had your preferences. I enjoy physical activity but I hate exercise for its own sake. I used to enjoy team sports although I was never very talented. I actually enjoy that shopping is an activity around other people but doesn't require large amounts of interaction. I like seeing what's new and being out and about. I also enjoy the walking. In a busy city I did find first thing in the morning on the weekend was the only tolerable time before it got too busy. I had trouble scheduling free time during the week. Hope you found what you needed!

Exercise! No contest here......

Y'all are obviously WAY more virtuous people than I am. ;-D

Do your Tuesday & Thursday runs take all day? Like can you shop & then run? Admittedly you’re going into summer. Or just do a quick power nap, less than 30 minutes, then go shopping.
Trying to think of some strategies to get the shopping done & can enjoy your summer. And not find yourself a month later with dead sandals & ratty tees.
Right now I have no energy or time for either. Just came off a stretch of working 18 days with only two separate days off.
I need to figure out a time to carve out some structured exercise.

I love both, but find that I am exhausted after a shopping day and totally invigorated after exercising!

I agree with Janet. Generally speaking, shopping is my cardio. I do exercise, too... reluctantly.

Anne - pleased you are feeling better about it.

The truth is that we are all in different situations and locations - if a great shopping street is 5 mins walk from your home it is so much easier than facing a 40 minute drive and hassles finding a car park. And how much money you can spend - if you know that it is hard to find shoes that fit/work/that you like for under $100 and that is what you have to spend then that is not always fun either.

But what I am really thankful for is that link Anna!! I can be a procrastinator and put off doing jobs (right now tidying my office is the big one hanging over me) so I plan to print that out and place it in a visible obvious place because I needed that. Thank you....