Stressed or not, you look great! I especially like #2 and that dramatic black coat.

Sveta, you look beautiful, as always. A real glamazon

So photogenic! I'm with whoever said that lipstick is putting in work for you! My fave is #1 although I think I'd prefer black footwear with that outfit and swap the brown booties in outfit #2.

I was in your position over the summer. I lost half the summer because I worked 6 or 7 days a week for half of it. It was a real challenge to get ANYTHING done outside of work. Hopefully you won't have this pace for too long. I think one of the best ways to cheer up when working lots of hours is to sport really bright and fun outfits. At least when you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror you can smile about your outfit. It's nice to see the polka dot top come out to play in #1. As you are in #2, I am also reaching for bootcuts regularly right now until we get wet weather. And #3 is heading into bright and fun color and pattern mixing, the perfect antidote for busy working schedules.

Your style overshadows the stress and all these outfits look great Sveta. But I will say that you MUST take it easy. Even with vacation time, long and stressful work hours on a regular basis take their toll. Please put your health and well being as the #1 priority. We miss you when you're not posting.

Paying extra attention to how you look is a big mood booster. Have you noticed how you progressed from not smiling at all in picture #1 to a beautiful smile in picture #5?

I love all your outfits, and especially like your beautiful black coat. Hopefully the situation at work will improve.

They all look great, but #1 and #2 are especially appealing.

Well, if you have been disinterested in life you sure can't tell from your outfits, exceptional as always, every single one! Sometimes a little break from the routine is definitely a needed step to recharge. I hope work lightens up a little more so that you have the energy to show us the great outfits you create. Such a treat and so inspirational,

Welcome back! I certainly understand how being tired and stressed makes you reach for the FFBO's. You look great.

You look terrific, and I am especially partial to #1 sweater twin!

I hope work gets better soon. It is hard ot have life so out of balance for so long.

You look terrific! The dots are my favorite, especially with the pop of red in the handbag!

I'm glad you're being proactive about reclaiming a bit of yourself during this difficult time at work. That's so important (and so hard to do sometimes). You look great in all of these, but as a polka dot fan, I must say #1 is my favorite.

All of these outfits look amazing but the coat is my chic!!!

Thank you all for you kind comments and therapy. It was a very gruelling year for me: hopefully it will get back to normal in the next year.
Catnip, pic 1 was taken on Monday night after another 10h day so it is surprising I am still holding together there at all: I felt really bad that night and I think I looked it too
Liz, I don't care for black fotwear with those taupe trousers in #1: at least not those only black booties I have now. If I ever find a more refined pair it may be a different thing.
Lisa, I am sad to hear about your summer - I hope it is beter now.
I am so glad I have you, guys!

Too much work and not enough play...hope it gets better. Love the red skirt with those leopard boots!

Sveta, I'm so sorry to hear that work has been so overwhelming lately. It hasn't stopped you for having your usual fabulous style, though.
It really is essential to take a little time for yourself, whether it's taking outfit pictures or having a nice warm bubble bath.
I hope things quiet down for you soon so you can regain some balance in your life.

Marcy - thank you, it is very important. I was going to spend some time with my mom last Sunday and instead had to work all day and did not see her. I am going to make sure it happens this weekend!

Sorry work is stealing your life, at least your wardrobe is in fantastic shape. You look fab as always. Red,blue and leopard is just stunning with and without that amazing coat.

Hugs, and you crack me up. You are a fun person Sveta, although I do empathize with your hectic schedule. I hope things slow down so that you can breathe.

You look more than alive. You have killer style no matter what. Your verve and grace is innate.

And I have missed you on YLF. Thanks for the very sweet comment on my post this morning. I'm humbled. xo