Those really look amazing on you! Or at least they seemed to in the millisecond before I got hopelessly distracted by the kitty picture.

Dang. You look good! The crossover's are way stylin'!

p.s. Hello to kitty boo boo. What a cutie!

Fantastic outfits. Enjoy kitty - I love the sly look in his eye!

Serious jeans envy here! Love them on you. Very, very good choice. Seeing them on you, it's hard to imagine that you would have had any doubts, but I know the feeling. (Trying a new style, especially after being underwhelmed by similar ones, does give pause, doesn't it?) The meeting outfit looks very cool, too. And yes, the kitten steals the show! Awwwwww, cute!

Oh a little Calico! She's so sweet!

Love your weird new pants. Love that top too, since it's cropped do you have it tucked? Can't tell...

Karymk, I have a black cami tucked in under the cropped sweater. I hate showing midriff (love it on others, can't stand it on myself).

Marley, chuckling over the Girl Math comment. I realized I'd spend this much on a fancy dress I'd only wear a few times, so why not on one killer pair of jeans, since jeans are the center of my wardrobe? In general I need to shift my big purchases to things I'll really wear all the time for my actual life. No more fancy trousers that never get worn. (It helped that Shopbop had a 20% off code last week.)

Definitely worth the wait! Those are amazing on you.

And kitty!!!!! So cute!

I'm looking forward to future outfits with these, they are lovely on you. And congrats on the new furbaby.