We had a small gathering of family at our house for Thanksgiving. I really liked the outfit I came up with and wanted to share it with you, but I didn't take a photo while I was wearing it. So here are the pieces in my Finds.
I hit upon this outfit while trying on what I thought would be the basis for two separate options: either the plaid pants, which I love, OR the plaid sweater, which I also love. When I had them on at the same time, before switching to something else, I did a double-take. I kept looking in the mirror, thinking, Could this really work? And I decided it did.
My 9th-grade niece, who wore a dark green corduroy shirt over a lacy black skirt, with striped wool socks and black combat boots, told me she really liked my outfit. Can't get much better confirmation than that, in my book.
Style serendipity was just icing on the cake, on a lovely day spent with family.
I hope those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful day as well!