Glorious! Wow, love all those ruffles, as they are, the chartreuse and the teal bag with the white background and (the boot)cut, just brilliant on your frame!

Lucylove, I added the Find for you. I think it's relatively new, so it should still be available.
It's a slightly mustardy yellow to me, although the color is called lime, so in some light it might seem more chartreuse.

I love yellow! You certainly look fresh and fab. I like the contrast with your bag and jacket, too.

How fun-- very 70s and playful.

Pretty and the perfect top for Summer...

Wow, you can so wear this color--not many can. Yellow, white and blue are such a fantastic color comination.

Gorgeous! I'm loving you in the ruffles and yellow.

Gorgeous....this is fabulous look on you. You're stunning in yellow and white!