Neutrals for the past couple of days. It's been warm, but I'm still chilly. So I'm dressing more wintry than the weather would imply.
Monday I wore jeans and a stripey sweatshirt. I felt great in this - I realize the pic isn't fabulous, but I felt lean and strong in it.
Today I tried out black and white and light blue with black skinnies, a chambray top and the white jacket that Kate (Ceit) sent me a couple of years ago. I liked it too.
I don't think either of these pictures are great, but they're the ones I got.
Do they work? What should change? (Besides the shoes, which were purely functional... )
In my style fantasy, super-comfortable and healthy shoes would also be attractive and cheap. Ha
In reality my fantasy style is a lot like my real style. My fantasy life is small-scale farming, and covered with dirt as I plant a garden this spring. My fantasy style is being perfectly dressed for whatever occasion I'm at - and these outfits are pretty close to what the activities of the days called for.
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