Kathie - thank you! I do love my new blazers.
Katerina - the drink was delicious! It was basically a blood orange margarita.
rachylou- shoe shopping is hard work, I guess! You can also bring your drink anywhere on that floor rather than stay at the bar. Sadly, I am probably done shoe shopping for a while unless I get gift money (more likely to be for Amazon than Nordy's).
Angie - thank you! High praise! I have a few peplums but not as many as I'd like.
shevia - definitely heaven. I'm only sad that I don't need to shop for shoes any more, but I found drinking among the shoes relaxing, so I may go back and admire them. I am actually very focused in my shopping right now, so browsing isn't working much for me (they often don't stock the things I have my eye on). I only caved because someone put out these Blondos just as I was admiring them in a different color, and they ticked a lot of boxes (snakeskin, not too high, waterproof, YLF trusted brand).
bonnie - I loved that outfit, though I forgot to wear a pendant.
liesbeth - thanks! I am pretty lucky that way. I guess my coloring is a mix of warm and cool (I don't go in for color theory much, so I don't know). The only color I can't wear much of near my face is yellow.
Aww, thanks, torontogirl. Also high praise!
Thanks also nemosmom, hereforthecake, and kellygirl!