Purple is fab on you! The top's print is a bit subtler than what I think of for most dashiki. Outfit looks perfectly fine for IT especially paired with denim and Cons. Had a good giggle at keeping spare wardrobe bits at work for those days when you need it; I've have several days, crawling under tables and fixing various computers/wires/etc. where I thought "hmm today was not the best day for my white jeans!"

So true Ada that is exactly what I thought when I first started out. lolol I knew that I could not work with straight leg pants. I did not want plumbers crack showing. I need the freedom to move and crawl if necessary. Oh lord I needed air to circulate. Wowlol Than you for commenting.

I love it, I think it could pass as boho as well as dashiki so you're ok! Love the purple and the cuff is fab with it.

I thought the same as Robin did above...I saw "Boho", but either way, the print and purple color is fabulous on you.

Hope to see your dear sister in the photos soon!!

Great top...i love the colours. I have never heard of Dashiki before. It has a great print. I live in an area of many different cultures and my school is multicultural too....people wear their cultural dress all the time. It expresses who they are and I think its great.

I keep extra shoes at work because i find if I get sore feet I can swap my shoes. I'm going to bike to work soon and i'm thinking of keeping my jackets and accessories at work...hope no-one minds me installing my wardrobe at the back of the classroom.

I think it is a great idea to keep a small amount of items at work. We have lockers and desk that help. Sometimes myY days are so long or we are on call and have to come in at all hours.

Thanks for the love on the top.

Now I'm pondering rachylou's sidebar ... very interesting.

Torontogirl what are you pondering?