Not dated at all. Superlative across the board.

(that said, I've been wondering myself about the rolled hem on my skinny jeans, but I'm locked in because magic selvedge and no alternative)

You keep getting more fabulous--don't know how you do it. All three jeans look current to me, especially because of the lengths. It seems to me that rolling is still in style, as a way of achieving the ideal length to show one's boot shaft or ankle. I'm still doing it, too. Or alternatively, I scrunch the skinny leg above the bootie shaft. I love the Kooba bag with the matching booties, too.

These are all fab looks!

See Sterling's post, too, about things that work for one personally vs. what might be super- trendy.
Kooba bags are fantastic.

You always look great, Denise; you couldn't look dated if you tried. I hear you on rolling hems--I still do it with some skinnies and like the look. I don't plan to stop. Looking forward to seeing more of you on the forum.

You look great! Not dated at all to my eyes.