It was our wedding anniversary yesterday and we walked to a local restaurant for dinner. We had a lovely meal matched with delicious wine.

Excuse my pics.... Photo 1 and 2 taken in the restaurant restroom. Note the cute bird wallpaper. I wore a new black party dress. Sadly I lost an earring on the walk in to town so you will have to imagine silver sparkling drop earrings. I wore my new tango shoes too.

The last pic taken in our living room at home to try and show hair and make up. Not a great pic but the best of the bunch. I did intend to take some at the start of the evening but it was all a rush to head out as always!!

How would you accessorise this dress? I think earrings are the best choice, I cannot see a necklace with this neckline?

Thanks for looking.

ETA earring found, yippee!! Not far from home at all.

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