Beautiful spring look. I must take notes on wearing a scarf so nicely.

Ack! You ordered the fishbows? How fab - have you got them yet?

Hi Shannon!

I was finishing up a big project yesterday and I didn't have time to respond to you properly. I'm sorry.

I did receive the shoes and they are very comfortable! I'm excited, because it's difficult for me to find comfortable shoes that are also stylish. It's probably why I don't have that many pairs. Shoe shopping is just not fun for me because I'm rarely successful (it's possible my requirements are too high, too). So I really appreciate all the input you gave me on the fishbow shoes before I ordered them. One question--I wore my shoes for the first time day before yesterday, and when I took them off there was some discoloring under the ribbons around the eyelet (if that makes sense). Have you experienced this with your pair? It doesn't show when I'm wearing the shoes, so I'm okay with it, but I don't think it was there before I wore them. Just curious.

Thank you again everyone, for the very kind comments. : )

Hey Ana - sorry I didn't see your question sooner. Glad the shoes are comfortable for you. I absolutely love mine. I just checked my shoes and I don't have any discolouration around the eyelet at all. That's really strange - what do you think it's from?

Ana, I love the outfit! Tres chic!!! Love the red shoes!

Thanks, Katie!

Shannon, I'm not sure, it was weird. I do have the pink ones though, I think you have the gray? Maybe that has something to do with it. Oh well. It doesn't show because it's under the ribbon, but I'll keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't spread.

This is the best outfit! Fresh and accessible.

And you have a really good camera... What clear pics!

Thanks, Rachylou! It's actually TX Sarah's camera and photo-taking skills. I can't take any credit for them.