Thank you guys. Sometimes it's refreshing to just dress very simply. I'll work on ways to take it up to killer and I suspect the wine skinnies, or perhaps the Kut Catherines if they work for me, could accomplish that. I'm starting to think I'm really not into flares so much, but that's another thread.
Aida: You nailed exactly why I was feeling more androgenous than usual. My style usually includes more overtly feminine pieces, like silky blouses or skirts. Combining jeans, chunky high-necked sweaters and loafers is about as masculine as I get, but it was different for me.
Jenava: Hi! Hadn't seen you back here yet. Glad you liked the sweater.
Sarah: Sorry about the song! :p Seriously it's a lovely sweater. Give it a try! Now that I've had it on I suspect the buttons would add structure to a fluid garment rather than widening your shoulders.
Angie: thanks for recognizing the other glam girl. I guess I got on a real texture kick without realizing it, but your guidelines over the years gave me the confidence to buy this sweater based on an online description alone. Thank you!
Marianna: colour me flattered! Off to check.
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