I love this on you, Shannon. It's simple yet interesting with the various textures and the plaid pants. Very nice!

What a great outfit! Love the pop of color your lipstick provides

This look great. I just love those pants!

I totally understand having to dress so that you can rip them off when a flash hits Not too much black, especially with the variation in textures and the black watch patterned slacks. Your smile keeps the leather from bossing you around. This is a look worth repeating.

YLF & need to bottle this one & I need those pants

I love this. The pants are killer. And I hear you on the overwhelming need to shed layers!

Well then...I guess this combo is a keeper!

Thanks all

I like it - plaid and leather. The cut of the trousers is the key to making the look corporate nice. I make note of this great idea (swerved over to your thread, Shannon ;)), because I'm working on "corporate punk" myself...

So smart! And you look so happy in the new job, which I know from your other thread that you are.

I think the plaid hits just the right note with the draped leather!

Totally works! These plaid pants have became a real workhorse for you, haven't they? I really like the almost black outfit: textures and patterns keep it interesting.

Shannon is there such thing as too dark or too much black?? lol. Love this so much. Sleek, streamlined and black.. stunning. You make me want to pop my Spiegel on now and just wear it at home.. but it's a tad too hot for that