Gorgeous classics! YLF! Love all combinations for different occassions and weather.

Laurie, lovely to see you chime in! When I can actually keep my hair that straight - it looks good

Inge, my fab friend, you are the sweetest. Thank you

Blue Jay and Star, you make me smile! Appreciate the kind words.

That dress is so good on you and it definitely works amazingly with the jackets and the coat. Moody florals are always interesting to me. I love that whiskey/cognac bag, it’s a great size and utterly
perfect with your hair and the dress. Of course the glasses and coat are on point together but the glasses are super fun as the only pop of bright color too. Your hair is stealing the show. I have had bobs most of my life. I love them.
I have neglected my dresses lately, I take inspiration here to pull one out soon.

So pretty! I love all things navy, and this dress looks fantastic every way you’ve styled it.

Of course I love the pattern, but what I REALLY love is the unique combo of midi dress, 3/4 sleeve, and mock neck on that dress.

Classics done well look timeless - you look stunning.

Lee, that's high praise, and my toes are tickled! Thank you. Hope you wear a dress soon too

Karie, always lovely to see you chime in! Appreciate the compliments, and hug your pups for me.

Carol, the dress was a lucky find! On sale too. It has full length sleeves actually. I scrunch them up.

Bijou, I'm blushing

Ooh love it! The earthtones work so well with that dress! And those boots were a great purchase.

I love a dress and you're doing this one so well! But of course you are, it's your job to do style well.

You look amazing. That dress is beautiful. The toppers compliment it wonderfully.

Wow, you look amazing in earth tones! Beautiful as always

Robin F, Helena, and Debbie, your gracious words make me smile. Fun to wear earth tones more regularly Thank you!

April, you are delightful! Appreciate you.

Beautiful as always! I love the pairing of the tan boots and jacket, but to me the red coat is an unexpected addition with the dress and that makes it an exciting combination. You are so good at this.

Radiant AND killer all in one! I particularly love the dark floral dress and red coat

I just love how you've embraced your natural hair color and those harmonious caramel-ly, yummy colors. And OF COURSE the dress has launched me into fashion orbit! You are right at home in the Kingdom of Queen Dress!

I love this outfit!! Your red glasses and red coat adds a vibrant punch which makes it so fun. Very inspiring to see classics worn in a modern way. And of course the best accessory is your wonderful smile.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

Lana, nice to see you chime in. The red coat was a VERY good buy, many years ago. At the NAS for a steal too. Go Team Classic!

Ket, you are a honeypie, and make me blush!

Laura, high praise from our first Queen Dress launches me into orbit I'm finding my natural hair colour very versatile too. Who knew! Very unexpected.

harmonica, such sweet words! I like a good match, and am humbled to have inspired you.

So good!!! (I like a blue based dark floral too!)

Well, first of all, your hair goals have been achieved. Beautiful! I just trimmed my bob an inch. And your dress is just so pretty. Your style has really evolved and softened, Angie. I still remember your “strict” looks with short hair very well.

Brooklyn, our Queen Dark Floral, thanks for the compliment! Nice you like a bit of blue in the mix too

Kyle, thank you! YES. The hair is finally there after two years and two months of growth and no chemical treatment. It was a slog. My new "soft and pretty" look feels dead right, and I'm enjoying it! Have come full circle