Today I finally decided I was getting tired of wearing the same winter clothes for the last 3-4-5? months and wanted to wear something fresh and new.

This is Angie-recommended GAP marled sweater (exchanged for size M instead of S based on the advice from YLF), GAP skinny khakis from last summer and "Caspian" sneakers. The trench is lined, which makes it easier to transition to spring dressing when the weather can still be cold (we still have some snow in the yard).

DH said that this looked like a "punk" outfit (when I asked to clarify, he just said it looked like it was well thought-out to look "punk"; I think he means casual?).

This is the first day this week when I had no meetings to attend so it was a good day to wear more casual clothes (hopefully not too casual, although if anyone feels this is not quite work-appropriate, I would appreciate any comments).

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