@ Adelfa - Oi, a hot pink silk shirt would be so fabulous! I need to keep my eyes peeled for one - maybe not to wear with my pink blazer, though!
@ Ceit - Thanks
@ Harmonica - I had a hair accident. More or less a hair frustration. There was a knot in it I couldn't get out so I hacked it with scissors. Yeah. No hair down for awhile.... *shifty eyes*
@ Avia - Thanks! I think this top is rather conservative. Maybe that's the vibe I'm getting.
@ Eliza - OH, I dunno about skills. It's pretty easy to use this sewing machine. I got it from IKEA and seriously, super easy.
@ MsMaven, ClaireLouise - Thanks!
@ Thistle - One of the other residents wore short shorts today, so I'm pretty sure anything is fair game now! HAHA.
@ Rachylou - Go ahead if you want! LOL. Lots of adults wear pink, no?
@ Tracina - it is ALGO, isn't it? Especially with pockets too!
@ Kiwichik - Thanks; I had misgivings about this belt when I first got it, but then I realized I was just wearing it backwards :p
@ Lisa - I will definitely try that next time that I wear this skirt - all my light tops without crazy patterns are waiting laundry I think a light coloured top may just be what the doctor ordered...
@ Angie - Thanks! I love this phone case and would cry if it broke