You don't need to tighten your style up more! Keep on with what you're doing instead.

And yes, I would totally roll the overalls at the hem. Now I just need to find a pair: oddly enough, I don't think I've ever seen overalls at any of my Goodwills. Hmmm.

Rachy! I don't even know where to begin. That leather skirt, the jumpsuit, the overalls!, #6...well that is just a start. You are the quirkiest! (meant as high compliment of course)

I love seeing the nativewear, especially the first outfit with the shrug and long dress, which really does look like a perfect Bay Area outfit. I'm also so impressed with how your work outfits get so much personality and edge in there while still look appropriate.

Personally, I wouldn't mind dressing sharp, but it's not something I'm particularly suited to achieving and I'm fine with that too.

No minimal closet for you! No sir-ee, this girl needs room to create and have more fun with fashion in a week than most of us have the whole season!

I'm particularly digging (hippie dippie talk alert) your take on Prep and Classic. The creative pairing of the peplum, the mint jacket, the striped sweater. So fresh! Of the Native wear --- 10 and 12 are my favorites.

Hey! A killer to the power of killer! Thanks so much for looking, Angie! You are so nice to look

Btw - Hippie dippie talk alert! Ohmigosh. That needs to be a bumper sticker or a badge - in the manner of a prison jumpsuit or orange highway worker vest. Lolol.

You guys are really so nice. I love how much fun you guys are. Your generous, forgiving understanding on matters hipster... like soy sorbet. Ok. Well, maybe 'understanding' is the wrong word? Because - soy sorbet? What? Why?

3, 4, 6, 7 and 12 are stunners!!! And I am in total love with 7! Wow. How did you even pull that off? Gorgeous and very creative!

I am loving your WIWs!

You know, Neel, reflecting - I wouldn't have gone to the mall in #7. Whole Foods, yes; mall, no. Setting is everything.

Amazing collection and selection.
I love 4 and 5 (the mint is awesome) but you also really suit the many fun and great looks and interesting commentary too!

Absolutely love you in a jumpsuit. You get my vote on #1 best jumpsuit look on YLF. As for your business outfits, you excel at balancing creativity and what's work appropriate.

RL, you slay me! Thanks for the WIW post. Of course, my classic casual loving self likes some of the more conventional combos best, but your creative outfits are fun and inspiring.

soy sorbet--just because

rachylou--just because

I really like how you play with lengths to your advantage while layering. The little blue jumper suit though (9) is so precious on you. I also very much dig the look and the general feel of 12. Is that a dress? It looks like a skirt and top, and you wear it in a cool, relaxed style that is very much appealing. 6 is also very very nice.