Here is another WFH outfit consisting of "real" clothes, as I participated in a whole day event where I gave a talk and moderated another session over Zoom. You could only see the top half of my outfit, but I went for the opportunity to try a more casual/relaxed way of wearing a suit. Thus I wore a relaxed plaid navy/burgundy suit with a (subtly) graphic tee, high top navy sneakers, and if I were to go out, I would have added the burgundy bag.

The rest of my post is about hemming and pant lengths, so feel free to skip it if you are not interested in that topic. I did quite a bit of shopping last year during pandemic, including a lot of office pants. Most of them require tailoring - hemming or taking in the waist or both. I am yet to do it for bunch of reasons, both pandemic precautions and the fact that my weight keeps changing which would influence the alterations. Thus I am mostly waiting for return to the office, hoping than then my weight would stabilize, as I do not have much of the need for office clothes until that point anyway.

My legs are about 2" proportionally short for my height, which leads to both needing lots of hemming and generally being sensitive to keeping a long leg line in outfits. I am not the biggest fan of the new shorter full length, I prefer my pants either properly cropped (2-3" above the ankle bone) or the old proper full length. I am showing the pants with both darker high top sneakers, as I wore them today to close the gap, and white low top sneakers, to see the length better. I am pretty certain that these are too short for even the new shorter full length. I am not that interested in shortening them, I would rather have them at full length. The pants have a 3" cuff, that would be easy to release (I am not the biggest fan of cuffs anyway), although that would probably make them too long. So I guess the solution is to release the cuff and then hem, but curious how much extra length I should add for wearing with sneakers like these? I am open to all the length suggestions.

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