Hi All,

Well, it happened, I turned 80 yesterday. I don't know what to say, I feel good and satisfied and sometimes I can't believe that so many years have passed. As these are the last days of summer, my birthday outfit was in line with that - my choice was a white pleated midi skirt.

1.Yesterday, lunch with the family : white pleated midi skirt, soft pink blouse, gold ballet flats, pearls earrings, and black bag. On the way home I put on a striped buttoned knit cardigan. (# 1-2).

2.Today, cake and coffee with my dear friends : it's a little colder and I decided on a powder pink satin shirt, powder pink flats, rose gold bag, pearls and earrings and tweed jacket. (# 3-4).

Thank you all for watching and for all the wonderful comments and compliments you have given me so far. Of course, all comments and
feedback are welcome now to.

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