Thanks for the love, everyone.
Elly, I do feel this outfit in particular hits glam gamine right on the nose and feels most like me and also new.
Lisa, it's wonderful to hear you describe this outfit as authentic. I don't know that I have really considered my outfits through that particular lens, but it is a great word for trying to understand if it truly works for me or not. This outfit does feel truly, authentically me. I could wear it every day.
Smittie: this top is AMAZING. If you are at all tempted and it's in your budget, give it a try. COS delivers almost overnight for $6.
As for book group, I belong to two, and this is the second time I have discussed Station Eleven. I call this group my "Smarty Pants" book group because there are two college professors in it, and one is a poet. I have two degrees in English Literature but I read now for pleasure. Anyway, I have a love/hate relationship with this group. I love the people, but I always come home from the discussion feeling stupid. The smarties are always extremely articulate about why they hate a book that I emotionally really love. It's lucky I happened to look so good last night, because it happened again.