Ok the more I think about it, I realize these shoes are not well balanced. They are tricky to walk in, and that's probably why I took a spill. Combination of the hard sole with the platform. I do better in my stilettos.
I'm taking them to Goodwill and chalk them up to an expensive to only buy shoes I try on in the store.

Oh ouch. I wondered if the shoes were the culprit. If it's any consolation, I bought a new pair of running shoes last year and proceeded to trip TWICE in those darn shoes -- one time during a race (caught myself and stayed on my feet) and the second time during a regular run, crossing a busy street, when I went down on all fours and put a hole in my running capris. I realized that I had never tripped during a run until I got those shoes, so they went on eBay. Can you recoup some of your cost by selling them, or is the damage too much? Or did you buy them from a retailer from whom you might be able to get a refund? To have shoes do that to you on the first wear… well, it seems like they should be returnable, but I could be wrong.

Good call on the shoes. Better they take the hit than you. Some shoes aren't meant for feet in motion.

Oh Anna I hope you are doing OK. You looked great this morning but shoes you slip in are not worth it.

So sorry to hear this. Hope you are OK. Definitely get rid of those shoes, urgh.

Oh- what a shame! YL(d)F

Glad you're OK and hopefully those fantastic shorts can be salvaged.

Boy, those sure were the shoes of doom. I do hope your shorts can be salvaged--they are very unusual. I love these colours on you, sunrise was a perfect time to take the pics, too.

Oh, what a perfect outfit - no fair at all that it caused such calamity. I hope your knees are recovering well.

I'm glad you are okay--just skinned knees. Totally bummed for your damaged shorts, though. I've got my fingers crossed that they can be salvaged. Maybe not at their same length or in exactly their same form, but somehow. Maybe culottes inspired wider, looser shorts?

And GAH what am I thinking! You look beautiful. Great outfit!!!

OH! Or maybe an extra seam right where the tears are? Kind of a welted one, with some substance? Or one that just mirrors the seam finishing on the bottom?

Glad you are OK. Well, you'll just have to buy more shoes!

What a great pair of shorts, I'm sorry you took a tumble amd hurt your knees. Falling is frustrating, I've fallen a couple of times on our patio. At least you looked good while you were at it. I hope the shorts can be salvaged.

Ugh. That's really a shame.

Like the outfit, though. I'm not sure who else could pull off a harness so well as part of a regular outfit.

I hope you are okay!! Sounds like you. I that have twisted your ankle or foot?

You looked fabulous, and it was a terrific outfit. Sounds like the shoes were the culprit. I wish I had more of a clue to offer. I know last December I had a pair of booties I slipped and fell in at work. Hurt my ankle pretty badly. I was terrified to wear those booties again! (I did eventually take them to the cobbler and have them resoled. Made them wearable, but still not sure I "trust" them.)

What a terrible ending to a fantastic outfit! Hope the shorts can be saved and your knees are feeling better.

I love the outfit but am sad at what the shoes did to you. Bad shoes! Hope you are all right and that the shorts can be saved.

So sorry about that fall! I agree that these shorts are a terrible thing to lose. Darn those shoes.

Great outfit with the harness and simple top. Too bad about the shorts after your fall. I hope they are salvageable because they're great shorts. Good idea to get rid of the shoes. It sounds like they are definitely not worth the trouble.

Was a great outfit, though. Here's a story I just read from another blogger with clog-wild trouble <http://www.girlofacertainage.com>