Very cute outfit! I love the nude boots....they are just the right thing to complete that outfit.

Fantastic outfit on you! Love the jacket and the boots especially, and your legs - WOW! Show them off every chance you get.

Fabulous outfit - you look lovely

Amazing! Boots, jacket, shorts! Looks so great! I like your hair back, too.

Fantastic! I was wondering about running in the boots... Love the idea of upping the commute look!

Did not have to run for the bus today, but did end up walking about a mile. Boots were fine. Although I need more friends. About 1/2 through the day I posted on facebook a query about meeting up for a drink after work. Did NOT get a single response, insert sad panda face.

Oh, man! Too bad I'm not there! I would have TOTALLY met up for a drink today!!

Gotta LOVE that jacket!

YLF. The outfit is great. The booties and bomber are amazing.

I love the floral jacket!

Great idea; great outfit!

What a great outfit! This is one of my favorites I've seen you post! DH also takes the bus and it's all about comfortable footwear. I find boatshoes come in fun colors and I can wear a sock with them. Also non-work out sneakers are good, they have lots of fun prints and colors now-a-days. And I am a boot gal myself, so I always vote for boots for footwear.

Boots are amazing. Love everything about this outfit.

Wowza! This is a great outfit! I would hope that you can find more places to wear it than just commuting to work.
I got some AG ex-boyfriend jeans this summer and I had to size up to a size that I've never worn before, just to get them on! They are definitely cut differently than other BF jeans!