This would have to be one of my favourite looks on you. It does have a depth & richness that makes it work so well.

Great musings too Amy -I found them very helpful because I really enjoy both of these styles. As I get older I identify more with the arty sleek (but like Joy not black) but I think I want to straddle both versions of this style, maybe an element of posh eclectic in my evening looks would do it?

Amy -- definitely Posh Eclectic for you-such a great descriptor! Love how the vest works in the outfit.

Rachylou - LOL!

It is in fact the Breathless Recitation that caused me to put all my cloisonne earrings in mothballs. And give up granny glasses.

Rachylou, hence my irrational fear of women who dress like Barbra Streisand in "Meet the Fockers!"

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"Posh Eclectic" is perfect for you, Amy. Love!

And Rachylou, I would read any book you write. I'll buy the hardback.

Amy, this is a great descriptor for you. I need to go reread my Lucky Guide! Not sure where I fit, but you have found your niche in that lexicon. You need to try Gwen Stefani's look as Mochi posted.

Amy, you look perfectly YOU! And that's stunning and lovely.

MaryK, I kinda like what Babs is wearing. Don't fear me! I will try to nail down my style but for now I'm calling it ... well, I have a really naughty joke to put here, let's just say she is the Mother of the Fockers, and leave it at that.

Excellent descriptor for you and you look smashing. Rachylou I think you have captured the problem with the term artsy perfectly!

Definitely time to reclaim the "arty" adjective from the Focker/Barbra, Breathless Recitation, Made-With-Loving (but inept) Hands group. And your Posh Eclectic is a great beginning. More, pretty please...

I love them both - the description and the outfit. The suit you really well. I also prefer Posh to Polished, it has grandier Can we see a clearer picture of the vest - it sounds fantastic!

Gorgeous outfit and marvelous insights. I would love to know where you got the "pattern" for the vest --- such a wonderful idea.

This is a great balance of tailoring to feminine elements on you. Can't wait to see what's next!

Love this, Amy. I think it suits you. (-:

Racheylou, MaryK, JulieJohn, you are all makin' me giggle. (-: Yeah, I have that same "arty" association although for me, growing up on Whidbey Island, it's more like lots of shapeless linen and large carved mother of pearl buttons.