This looks great on you. Love the bright color.

The pink is so perfect for greeting Spring! A great silhouette with your jeans too.

To the fabbers--Cocolion says she looks tall because of her small head. This may be true but it's also because of her long legs!

I saw this on the Zara website and thought it was okay, but seeing it on you? Wow!! I adore this look/silhouette and am having a hard time wanting to wear anything else, so of course I love, love, love it! And the color is so beautiful and fresh on you! I love your style!

Like how you've paired it with plaid.

I LOVE that color. *attack of the wantsies*

Gorgeous, Denise, and if I could grab it off your back, I would, but you look too good in it! I love the curved hem, the pretty vibrant color and especially the 100% cotton factor. Nicely done.

Gorgeous pink color and I like the hemline here too, nice addition to your wardrobe.

Ok first off, that's a great photo. Love the sweater on you.