Star - If you ever get a chance to go to the rodeo I recommend it, it's an exciting event to see, especially in person.
Dee - I'm delighted you enjoyed the event photos too, it's not easy to capture moving animals!
kkards - I didn't know burning a hat was a thing either, until I went to one! It was interesting burning a design into the material with a hot metal tool (I have no idea what it's called). I would certainly do it again.
Sisi - Thank you for the kind words. I have a strong love of western clothing and there are always at least a few pieces in my wardrobe. These boots are special because my sister gifted them to me during a trip to Nashville, TN.
Cookie - Well, now you have something to put on your shopping list. A western inspired shirt would work very well with your denim skirt.
JAileen - I love cowboy boots too and own two pairs. I don't wear them that often, but always enjoy when I do. I have found some brands have a wider toe box than others (Durango and Ariat especially), hopefully you'll be back to your boots after your foot problem heals. How fun the student won a buckle barrel racing! That's really neat, thanks for sharing!